Do you want to buy a new boat? Do you have a craft you need to get rid of? It’s time to trade-in your boat! At The Ski Shack, we want to make life easier for you, which is why we created this guide to help you get the most for your boat trade-in. Keep reading to learn more! 

When you’re ready to start the trade-in process, call us at one of our locations in Springfield, Branson, or Shell Knob, Missouri! We’ll help you get the best deal and upgrade! 

The Benefits

First, we want to let you know why you should trade in your vessel. If you’re looking to sell your current boat and upgrade to a different model, a trade-in is going to be the fastest option for you. If you sell on your own, it could take six months or even longer. When you go through a dealership like The Ski Shack, you can sell your boat in a matter of days or even hours! Not to mention the process will be easier on you too. We will take care of the details and handle the storage, marketing, and negotiating with prospective customers.

Make Your Boat Presentable

When it comes to buying and selling, appearances matter. In fact, they matter a lot. The better your craft looks, the more valuable it will appear and the higher price you can get. 

Before you take your vessel to the dealership, run through the following checklist:

  • Remove all personal belongings.
  • Wash the exterior.
  • Clean the interior using proper products based on the material.
  • Touch up paint chips and scratches.
  • Replace stained or worn upholstery.
  • Sanitize surfaces, especially high touch areas.
  • Wax and polish the craft.
  • Spray a mild scent to freshen up the boat.

Get the Boat in Good Condition

We recommend taking your vessel out for a test drive and paying attention to any performance issues you find. You want your boat to operate at its full potential so that you can get the highest possible price.

It may be worth it to invest a bit more money in your boat before you trade it in to fix any potential problems. You need to be strategic, though, so that you’re not investing more money than the boat is worth. 

Prepare for the Next Owner

The final step in the trade-in process is making sure you gather all the necessary documents for the next owner. This includes paperwork like the registration and title. Don’t forget to compile all service and maintenance records too, so potential buyers know they are investing in a quality vessel. This can also help you boost the price!

Are you ready to get rid of your existing craft and buy one of your dreams? It’s time to call The Ski Shack. We’re proud to serve our neighbors in Nixa. MO. We can’t wait to help you with all of your marine needs!